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35 results:
31.Crystal Growth 
Crystal Growth From blanks to high specification optical components We have more than 70 years’ experience in growing the widest variety of crystals. Crystal growth takes place in custom-built… 
Optics Optical components for all wavelengths We have our own cutting-, grinding- and polishing workshops to manufacture optical components to our clients' specifications. Highly qualified… 
Metrology Quality can be verified – and we don’t just test our own products. After decades spent manufacturing the most advanced optical components from our own crystals we demand the best. Using… 
34.Terms & Conditions 
Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen der Korth Kristalle GmbH § 1 Allgemeines – Geltungsbereich (1) Unsere Geschäftsbedingungen gelten ausschließlich; entgegenstehende oder von unseren… 
35.Anleitung Fluessigkeitskuevetten_eng.pdf 
Instruction Ingredients of the amalgamation solution: 90g HNO3 (2-normal) + 10g mercury-1-nitrate (freshly prepared) Usage of amalgamation solution: 1. Put the lead component (spacer/seal) 1 - 2… 
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