21.AnalyticsAnalytics Being able to accurately identify materials and undertake targeted analysis simplifies decision making and minimises risk, not just in industrial quality control (in areas such as…
We are small enough to tackle big things. Development is a dynamic process. All you need is a bit of sporting ambition and the right motivation. We have that: Our customers. Because the…
24.Megamenu We would like to show you what happens at Korth Kristalle every day, so that you can get an idea of our interesting and diverse work. Quality DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 certified » Company…
25.One-off ComponentsOne-off Components Alongside the manufacture of our standard optical components we also produce one-off, specialist components to our client’s specification. These include scintillation detectors…
26.Growing of crystals Growing of crystals Material quality control Processing raw crystal Polishing workshop Quality control Everything starts in our crystal growth hall: Here we work with custom-built…
27.Quality Control Züchtung Kristall Kontrolle Rohmaterial Verarbeitung Rohmaterial Polier-Werkstätten Qualitäts-Kontrolle Although we love the craftsmanship that goes into our work, we never loose…
28.Material quality control Growing of crystals Material quality control Processing raw crystal Polishing workshop Quality control Let’s start with visions: having a clear idea of what you are trying to…
29.Polishing Workshops Growing of crystals Material quality control Processing raw crystal Polishing workshop Quality control
4: Polishing Workshops You need many years of experience, patience, a…
30.Processing Raw Crystal Growing of crystals Material quality control Processing raw crystal Polishing workshop Quality control After a growth phase of several weeks the finished crystal leaves our crystal…